I haven't found job-search method variables from 1993 onwards in the IPUMS-CPS.

I would like to have information about job-search methods used by the unemployed for 1980-present. What would be the best way to fill the information gap in the IPUMS-CPS?

Thank you very much,


There is a series of variables that pertain to “new welfare reform”, that took effect in 1997, and are housed under the Welfare Variables group. The series began by asking whether, during the previous year, “did (you/anyone in this household) receive any of the following types of assistance from a state or county welfare agency or case manager?” In addition to JOBCLUB (which indicates whether the respondents attended a job search program, job club, job resource center, etc.), variables in this group dealt with transportation assistance to get to work or school or training (TRANSAID), child care services or assistance so the individual could go to work or school or training (KIDCARE), job readiness training to learn about resume writing, job interviewing, or building self-esteem (JOBREADY), GED classes or training to prepare for the GED exam or to improve basic reading or math skills (GEDTRAIN), job training to learn a specific job skill (JOBTRAIN), and participation in a work experience program, such as a community service job, to receive cash assistance (WORKFARE).