Question on Brazilian income variables in 2010


No description in the IPUMS pages is included about the coding of the unharmonized variables making up inctot (br2010a_incgross, br2010a_incjb2gr, and br2010a_incvalue) It appears that 999999 means NIU.

Is there any other special code (eg. for unknown values)?

PS1 : notice br2010a_incgross and br2010a_incjob are exactly the same variables

PS2 : the universe description of the unharmonized income variables in 2010 should also indicate age +10

Thanks for your help.



You are correct that 999999 represents NIU for those three income variables. Note that a value of zero for br2010a_incgross means that the respondent was paid only in kind (see br2010a_paysrc). Otherwise, those variables do not have any special coding.

Sincebr2010a_incgross and br2010a_incjob were included as two separate variables in the source census data, we chose to make both variables available. As you noted, they did become identical after we applied the correct universe to each.

You are correct that the universe statements for the unharmonized income variables should specify “persons age 10+”. We will correct this. Thanks!

Hope this helps.